Talia Raine
Talia Raine loves big dogs, monologues, and characters telling stories within a story. She has been a storyteller for her entire career—from marketing luxury cosmetics to making documentaries for Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, Lucasfilm, and Pixar.
She studied philosophy at Stanford University and screenwriting at UCLA. She moved to Canada to study filmmaking at Vancouver Film School. She wishes she had written Withnail and I and Giovanni's Room.
If you don’t believe that, here’s a link to her résumé and some of her IMDB credits.
Darin Smith
Darin was a professional student in almost every major. He studied math and science only to discover that the only subject that would let him sleep at night was literature.
He graduated from the University of Oklahoma and for many years used the power of his degree to perfect toddler lunches, visit art museums, and schedule story time and play dates as a stay-at-home dad. He focused on his writing between daytime activities and late at night, becoming a published poet.
He teaches astronomy, chemistry, English, and geometry at an alternative high school. He still writes and his students say he’s cool. He thinks that’s debatable.
His résumé tells only some of the story.